Finding Your Path…

Finding Your Path…

It can be hard to go your own way. To forge a new path where one previously didn’t exist. It can be tempting (and far more comfortable/less scary) to remain ‘stuck’ within a well-worn career path. But what if… What if you did just one thing (big or small) each day to...


For me, January is typically a time for reflection. And this year, instead of writing a list of resolutions I decided to reflect on what makes a good life. Naturally I went looking for research studies and data… It seems insights may be found within longevity studies,...
Make 2022 your career year!

Make 2022 your career year!

Hummingbird Careers is about empowering women to pursue their career dreams and redesign their futures. Applications for the 2022 Thrive small group career coaching programs are now open. Discover the program Want to chat?...
Goodbye 2021. Hello 2022!

Goodbye 2021. Hello 2022!

With the year almost done it’s a time for reflection, as well as looking ahead: What were your key learnings in 2021?What are your aspirations in 2022?Have you got a plan? Whether you’re looking to boost your career opportunities, or fully redesign your career path,...